Editing and moderating comments in Speedgrader

Community Member

Hi - I'm new to using speedgrader for marking (have previously used Turnitin grademark). I have read guides and watched a lot but am struggling with certain features. Our markers write long comments on students work e.g. overview, whether the assignment met certain conditions, feedback and feedforward comments. These are then moderated by the module/course leader who may suggest changes to the feedback, and will negotiate marks with the marker/s where they think they need adjusting.

Speedgrader has lots of facilities for giving rich feedback to students in a variety of formats, but I have queries how we can achieve the moderation process in speedgrader.

There seem to be two ways to do it:

(1) first method is that the markers write their comments, then they are moderated, but if the comments are submitted they seem to have no edit facility.  So if they need to be changed, the marker would need to copy the comment, paste it into a new comment, edit it, and submit, then delete the old comment.  This can't be right!  Is it possible for instructors/teachers to see draft (unsubmitted) comments written by other instructors/teachers on a course?

(2) set up moderated assignments. I have read through the guide on this but it does not mention anything about editing comments.  It appears to assume this is about several markers marking the same assignment and giving different marks, and the moderator then picking which one they agree with.  In our case, there is only one marker per assignment, and the moderator negotiates with the marker rather than overruling them (it is a dialogue). Often if the marker agrees they need to adjust a mark or feedback, they would also want to revisit and change other assignment feedback in the cohort for similar assignments.  There isn't enough information for me to understand whether markers can edit and change their own comments as part of the moderation facility, before all is finalised by the moderator.  I can't find any videos showing what this interface looks like for markers or moderators in terms of the comments to students (as opposed to the marks/rubric).

If anyone has any clarification or correction on my understanding of speedgrader, or any advice on how we achieve our moderation goals in speedgrader, please let me know, 

thank you,


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