Drag and Drop

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How do you add Drag and Drop Google Slides to assignments?  I need the students to each have their own copy and to be able to move the items on the page. 

1 Solution
Community Contributor

Hi @ChristinaSnyder ,

I don't think Drag & Drop is the feature you want here. Do you know if your institution has the Google Assignments LTI/Google Drive integration? If so, you can use that integration to distribute the slide show to each student. Post again if you need instructions for that option.

If your institution does not have that feature, or if you just prefer to do it this way, you can use a Google trick to assign this task. In the Google Slide file, go to the omnibox and find the word "edit" in the URL. Delete that word and anything that might come after it. Replace it with the word "copy." Your screen will change to one that says "Make a copy of [name of file] and a blue copy button. Copy the URL from that page. (You can use the browser back button to return to your original version.)

In your Canvas Assignment, use the RCE to create a link using the URL you just copied along with any instructions for the students. Set the Submission Type to "Website URL."

When students open the Assignment and click on the link, they will be prompted to make a copy of the file. They can work on it and then submit it to the URL box on Canvas by using the Google share code.

You may want to ask them to change the file name to include their name, but you will also be able to tell from the Speedgrader in Canvas.

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