Discussion peer review

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There is contradictory and confusing information in the guide about automatically assigning peer reviews in discussions: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-automatically-assign-peer-reviews-for-a...

At the top of the guide, it says:

"If you automatically assign peer reviews, Canvas will assign peer reviews to students automatically once they have submitted their own discussion reply."

This does not seem to be true in practice. If this is true, students will be assigned a peer review after they have submitted a reply. This assumes other students have submitted replies to peer review. What happens for the first student who replies? When do they get their peer reviews assigned?

In practice, peer reviews are assigned on the due date or on the date specified in the "Reviews Due" field.

Later in the guide, regarding the "Reviews Due" field, it says:

"In the Reviews Due field, use the calendar icon to select a date or manually enter a date for when peer reviews will be assigned to students [2]. If left blank, Canvas will use the discussion due date."

This says that peer reviews will be assigned on the date in the "Reviews Due" field. If correct, this field is mislabeled. Is this date when peer reviews are due? Or is this date when peer reviews are assigned?

What is the expected functionality? When are peer reviews assigned? Is it at the due date? Or is it after students submit a discussion reply? Or is it at the date indicated in the "Reviews Due" field (which is the due date if left blank)? If peer reviews are assigned on the date in the "Reviews Due" field, how does one specify a due date for students to finish their peer reviews?

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1 Solution
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I finally received an answer back from Canvas support. "Reviews Due" does not mean the due date for peer reviews. It means the date at which peer reviews are assigned to students. If "Reviews Due" is left blank, peer reviews are assigned on the due date for the discussion. There is no way to assign a due date by which students should complete their peer reviews.

Canvas UI designers, please rename the "Reviews Due" field to describe the actual function of the field.

Hopefully this helps someone who has the same question.

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