Difference between classic and modern quizzes and how to force settings to modern

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What is the diffrences between classic and modern quizzes that are to require LockDownBrowser, and how do you force set quizzes as always modern quizzes?


We are having different issues between theese two, and prefer to have modern quizzes to be used as standard.



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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @videik123 ...

There are two video tutorials here in the Canvas Community that describe the different features of current Classic Quizzes vs. New Quizzes:

Also, on the Respondus website, I found the following page for you:

Look under the categories for "Watch the Overview Video" and "Learn how to prepare an exam" for specific videos on Canvas.  (Note, under the "Overview" category, I noticed that the Classic Quizzes video is quite old and shows the old Canvas interface, but I would assume the LockDown browser settings are still similar.)

As for only wanting to use New Quizzes... in my own sandbox course, when I go to my "Quizzes" index page and click on the "+ Quiz" button, I see the following:

Screenshot 2023-04-17 090030.jpg

Notice there is a check-box at the bottom of this screen.  However, that is only for this course.

I hope this will help a bit.  Sing out if you have any other questions about this information...thanks!

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