Currently cannot mark answers correct on a graded survey's multiple choice questions?

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Please see the screenshot attached. I've created a graded survey, with the intention of students being marked as complete for submitting it, not based on their answer choices.

I do have some multiple choice questions where I'd like to mark the correct and incorrect answers, so when I pull data afterwards, I can see where their gaps in understanding are.


For some reason, there's nothing for me to click on the make the multiple choice answers correct or incorrect. Help?

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @CallieSchoolKit,

You are correct that in Classic Quizzes, you cannot mark anything "correct" when you select the survey mode.  I guess in general, the survey is meant to collect some information, but not necessarily say that something is right or wrong.  Basically the grade is just meant to be whether they did the survey or not.  I wonder if providing feedback outside of the quiz, like with a PDF or an announcement or something, might be a workaround, even though it's not elegant?


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