Confusing entries in Link Validator

Community Explorer

When I run the Link Validator I often get result messages I don't understand:

E.g, it will say:       download?wrap=1 

or      Non-existent content referenced in this resource:  gc9122a6cadcd158cbff96b2017ee3ba5

or          download?download_frd=1

I don't know what these error messages mean, or how to fix them. If I click on the underlined text, it opens a page but I cannot determine what the error is on that page or what I need to do to fix it.

In one case, it might have been pointing to my campus email address which I typed into a paragraph of text telling students how to contact me. That email address was underlined but it's not a hyperlink. Is Canvas trying to warn me that my underlined email address looks like a dead hyperlink?

I clicked on the 2nd link listed above and it took me to a blank page and the only entry on the page was the character string     gc9122a6cadcd158cbff96b2017ee3ba5      in the title box.  What the heck is that? If it's junk, how do I delete the page?  If it's a legit page, how do I find out what it is and re-name it?

In the 3rd example what does    frd=1    mean?  Is it an error? If so, how do I fix it?

Thanks in advance for helping.


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