Communicating with the Students

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I am a new adjunct professor so I am still learning how to use Canvas.  I want to send a message to the students in my class along with two attachments.  Can I do this through Canvas?  If so, how do I do it?  If not, I can send a group email to the students but I do not have all of their USD email addresses.  How do I get their USD email addresses?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

@TomWoolway ...

Canvas requires that every user has an e-mail address tied to their account.  So, you can use the Canvas Inbox to send your students a message without really needing to know their e-mail addresses.  All users can configure their notification settings so that they can be notified via e-mail when they receive a message via the Canvas Inbox.  Further, users can select the frequency of these notifications.  And even further, the notifications can be configured for the entire user's account...or for specific courses that he/she is enrolled in.

Here are a few Guides that you can look through to send messages to your students via the Canvas Inbox:

You also asked about how to obtain a listing of the e-mail addresses of your students in your course(s).  You can do this via the "Reports" tab of the "New Analytics" screen:

How do I view and download reports in New Analytic... - Instructure Community - 409936 (

Run the report for "Class Roster".

Hope this helps a bit!

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