Canvas recording of student activity

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Community Novice

Dear Canvas,

We were told that CANVAS has a function that records student activity in the class, so we can identify those who are not engaged and notify their advisor. We were told that this is the SER (Student Engagement Rositer) Function. I've looked at that ("Faculty") and not seen any evidence that it was recording my students' activity or that it gave me an  option to notify their advisors. Do I not have the correct funcion? Thanks

1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @dcaner , the Student Engagement Roster is not a native Canvas tool. Based on your email address I searched your university's website and found this: SER-Student Engagement Roster (Student) | All IU Campuses | One.IU 

Please contact your local Canvas admin or eLearning department directly if you need additional assistance.

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