Canvas not loading

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Hello, I am having trouble with Canvas on my laptop. I am able to log in, but when I click on things such as Discussion, Modules, Assignment, etc. it does not load and it just shows me a blank screen. This is very frustrating as I am unable to complete my schoolwork. My email Is 

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @JamesForbes,

My usual advice in this situation is to ensure you're device's operating system and web browser are both updated.  Usually this issue is caused by one of those things being outdated, though there are other possible causes as well.  You can check out the  What are the browser and computer requirements for... - Instructure Community  article for more info about what things Canvas officially supports.  If that doesn't work, you could try clearing your browser cache to see if that may fix things up for you.  That's probably the best advice we can give how here in the global Canvas community.  Your school/institution may have IT support available to help you our locally, but we don't have that kind of information available to us.  You could reach out to someone at your school to hopefully find out what options you may have there.

Hope this helps a bit!


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