Canvas drop box

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My teacher wants me to post in the "canvas drop box" where is that located? 


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Community Coach

Hi there, @RylieMcmillian ...

It sounds like your instructor is using incorrect terminology.  In Canvas, there is nothing called a "drop box".  Normally, when I hear that, I think of two possible things:

  • Dropbox (which is located at is a place for cloud file storage that you may be familiar with and is not associated with Canvas.
  • "drop box" as in a place to submit an assignment to your instructor in your course.  This is most likely what your instructor is referring to.  (In fact, prior to using Canvas, I was a LMS admin at a higher education school that used a product called Pearson eCollege LearningStudio, and this platform actually had a "Drop Box" to submit work.)  For you, though, I'd suggest that you review these two video tutorials:

Hopefully these two videos (especially the second one) will be helpful to you.  If you have other questions about submitting work to your instructor, I'd recommend reaching out to him/her directly...which you can do inside of Canvas:

How do I get help with Canvas as a student?

Hopefully this information will be helpful to you.  Good luck!

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