Canvas displays loading screen (but never loads) on chromebook

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I am an instructor on Canvas. I have used my chromebook for over a year without issues. However, when I try to load my course now, the page looks like it is almost loaded (I see gray & white boxes under my dashboard for the classes), but it never loads. I've ran troubleshooting with my institution but with no solution. Please help!

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @KiereaMiller,

I stumbled on your unanswered question while doing a community cleanup.  What I call the "infinite loading" screen generally happens when you are using an unsupported (usually more than 2 version old) browser.  You'd need to make sure your Chromebook is up to date, and if it can no longer be updated for whatever reason, you may need to look into purchasing a newer device that can receive updates.  Canvas usually works with the two most recent browser versions, and Chrome/Chromebook updates about every 6 weeks, so you'd need to have a Chromebook that has been updated in about the last 3 months.

Hope this helps!


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