Canvas Math Editor - Equations not visible in the Rich Content Editor

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We are having trouble viewing math equations in the rich content editor.  We can write equations using the editor but nothing is visible until the page is saved. Is there a way to preview our math equations before saving the page? 

Attached is a short gif describing the issue. 

Thank you, 


1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@AnaDeLaM Thank you so much for including the GIF that displayed the issue you are encountering with the Math Editor created content not appearing until you have saved the page. It allowed me to pinpoint exactly the behavior and the cause!  

The behavior you are expecting when creating content with the Math Editor is to see the formatted content in the page immediately (without needing to save first), and this is the native behavior of the Math Editor in the RCE (Rich Content Editor), but your school has the CidiLabs Design Tools LTI enabled.  This LTI is provided by a 3rd-party and isn't native to Canvas, but serves to add some additional formatting and features to Canvas pages.  This CidiLabs Design Tool is preventing the Math Editor content from being previewed in the page unfortunately.  I recommend that you reach out to CidiLabs about this issue.  You may also try to temporarily disable the LTI (if possible) when you are creating content with the Math Editor so that it can be easily previewed while still editing. 

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