Canvas MS Teams Synch

Community Participant

Good Afternoon,

We're tracking an issue with two of our partners to do with the recent updates to MS Teams.

The problem has been diagnosed as the connection between Canvas MS Team Sync and MS Teams version 2 (new teams).

The evidence for this is based on creating  a Team in both classic (Teams version 1) manually, and a new teams (Teams version 2) from a course in Canvas.

To replicate the test you need a working synchronisation 

Description of test 1 (using teams version 2 – new teams version)

  • Created a Test course in Canvas
  • Added a student
  • Added a teacher
  • Added enough detail to publish courses
  • Enabled synchronization
  • Synched course using MS Teams Synch (hit the button to synch)
  • Logged into MS teams using separate browser (web version)
  • Located the MS teams created by Canvas
  • Activate the team so students can access
  • Clicked to create a new meeting
  • Added details to meeting and to send personal invites
  • Clicked Send

Expected results is to create meeting and post to channel

Actual result, - "something went wrong – unable to schedule event" the MS teams channel shows the message as deleted.

Interestingly on activation a error message appeared and then disappeared saying ‘something went wrong’

Description of test 2 (using classic teams – teams version 1)

Switched to classic teams

Within teams classic tried to create a meeting using the same approach as in Test 1 still resulted in failure to send.

Description of test 3 (using classic teams – teams version 1)

Created a new MS teams channel

Added the Student to the channel

Created a meeting and was able to Send successfully (event created in the MS teams channel general chat)


Canvas is creating a Team using the updated MS teams (version 2) by default as set by our Central ICT team.

This then means that the LTI is creating a malformed Teams class so the students and teachers cannot communicate using the MS teams created by the canvas synchronization. 

This is proved by creating a Teams class directly without Canvas synchronization which does work as expected regardless of MS teams version.

If the institution is using the Classic MS teams then things should continue to work  normally until July 1 2024 after this point the new version of teams comes into force and this will then break the creation of the MS Teams.

May relate:

Not sure if this deploy has anything to do with it but may affect.


If anyone is experiencing something similar would be good to hear. 

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