Cannot Sync to Synergy Unless Quiz/Assignment is Assigned to Everyone or to a Section

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Canvas Support let me know that:

You cannot sync an assignment or quiz to the Synergy gradebook UNLESS one of the following criteria is met:

1) The assignment must be assigned to EVERYONE


2) You utilize Sections in your course and the assignment is assigned to a specific section of students.

We had a teacher create two versions of an assignment, so that the second version contained an Audio (for accommodation). The assignment with the Audio would not sync because it was individually assigned.

Canvas Support says the workaround would be to assign the Quiz to all but to grant them a different due date.  Or to use Sections.

Does this make sense to you? You cannot assign a quiz/assignment to Groups and then expect the grades to Sync to Synergy!

**This begs the question:  Do Mastery Paths assignments/quizzes Sync to Synergy ??  Students would inevitably select or be assigned different content.

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1 Solution
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I received confirmation from Canvas Support that Mastery Paths will NOT sync to Synergy.

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