Bringing Student work from one course to another - Rolling intakes

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Is there a way of retrieving 2023 class work and copying across to the 2024 class work?

What is the best way to set up the class settings for rolling intakes so the term 4 to term 1 students do not lose their work and have to restart?

We do rolling intakes, new enrolments term 1, 2 3, and 4. Our courses take students 2 - 4 terms to complete. On OneSchool the students go into the same class no matter what term they start. We had our courses set up for the year however the courses have now gone to 2024 class groups and our 2023 rollover students have lost their assessment submissions and are like they are starting again.  The only way I have been able to find the student's marks is to go into the class statistics > students and the click on the student's name from here. I can see results and feedback given however when I click on the submission to access the work (file uploaded) it says they have no submission. If I go into the marks through the class mark book the student does not show up even to be able to reactivate them. 

Can anyone advise on how to copy across work from one class to another of the same course?

Also, is there a better way to set up form rolling intakes into the one class? We do have multiple classes across multiple campuses. A student stays in the class until they have finished the course. The new enrolments each term join with those already in the class. 

Thank you 

1 Solution
Community Contributor

Hi @DebGALL ,

building on @Chris_Hofers  reply we have a similar situation with our final year Major Projects, where we have a full and part time intake in each of three trimesters, and students may move/defer from one trimester to another.

So essentially we encourage some (not all) colleagues to treat these as rolling enrolments in the manner that you seem to be hinting at. We don't roll students onto courses across the end of the academic year, but we do have current deliveries that start in the current academic year and (under the same Canvas course) end after the start of the next academic year.

This involves merging all of the occurrences into what Canvas calls a crosslisted site - essentially a single site with a section corresponding to each intake. In our configuration this involves closing down the original SIS generated sites and opening a single site with multiple sections/cohorts. In other configurations it should be possible to forecast in advance which combined sites are required and push these straight to a single site. Note that if you crosslist after delivery has started you lose access to the student data that has already been banked (although it still exists).

  • Each section could be set with its own start/end date, although we haven't used this yet
  • Each section gets it's own specific assignments and due dates, but can be added en bloc to formative assignments
  • Activities, comms and assessments can be targeted to specific sections
  • Standard Content cannot be targeted within the native function (Canvas assumes that you want all students to have the same content)
    • You can segregate content by section by putting content into a section based tool such as a discussion or assignment

Note that Groups and sections are two different things with only marginally overlapping functionality.

HOWEVER we have noted recently that our. local SIS/Canvas configuration is unable to understand when a student moves from TRI1 to TRI2 (which is a different class record in the SIS) and is inactive in one section and active in the other.

  • Were this a non-crsslisted site, our SIS would flag the enrolment as 'Inactive' in the Canvas course roster
  • In a crosslisted site, our configuration is unable to differentiate a student who is live in one crosslisted section and inactive in the other, so both sections are showing as live, which may have implications in some systems for access to deadlines, schedules, and assignments (ie the student sees too many)

So this isn't without its complications, but the complications have to be managed somewhere; generally we find it easier to have all students and all supervisors across the year in the same Canvas course - otherwise we would need supervisors to access up to six different sites to get to their supervisees and work. The caveat is that not all convenors are able to get their heads around this and (to our chagrin) insist on separate sites.

You really need to be talking to your in house support team before going ahead with this, but you can test how it works in the test environment without risk.

As an alternative approach we have some colleagues who enrol all the year's students to a central support modules, and have a stripped down course site which contains just assessments and communications that links to this.


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