Brainstorming self-assessment and results aggregation methods

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I am seeking ideas from the community about how to optimise our regulator-mandated self-assessment process.

Our current process is:

  1. At the start of a course, students rate themselves in a range of skills, using a Classic Quizzes survey.
  2. At the end of the course, student fill in an identical survey.
  3. Our data analyst compares the results to gauge the extent of perceived improvement by students.

Given we run many hundreds of intakes per year, the task of downloading and collating stats from individual quizzes is extremely inefficient.

Can any community members suggest alternative tools (native or third-party) or methods for conducting this type of assessment?

Thank you, Isobel


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Community Coach


Have you investigated Canvas Mastery Outcomes as a way of reporting Quiz Outcomes at sub-account level (ie from different Canvas Courses ?


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Hello @imerricks,

My institution is HigherEd as well. We have a different department that handles what we call Course Experience Surveys. I am not sure what survey tool they use (I'll look into it), but we added a Course Experience button to our global navigation to make it easy for students to access the survey (I believe it is Qualtrics). To advertise it in Canvas during survey time, we previously used Global Announcements and now use Impact campaign messaging.

Google Forms is very simple and free to use, but if you want more data, you may be interested in using a platform like Qualtrics.

Screenshot 2024-04-12 at 7.56.13 AM.png

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I just reread your response and just realized your comment "track individual respondent". I see what you mean by this, and it is tricky because there is no tool in Canvas that will allow you to connect both. Quiz outcomes that @paul_fynn may be an option for you to look into, but for the most part you will need to look at two or more separate data points. Other data points to look at in addition to your Survey data are:

These analytics, of course, vary depending on the type of role you have in Canvas.

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