Badges and roll call attendance for excused students

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Up until fall 2023, I could leave a student unmarked in the attendance roster and this would not create a problem.  Canvas support told me that there was an upgrade between fall 2023 and spring 2024.

After this recent upgrade, leaving a student unmarked causes Canvas to create a to-do task, which will not go away unless the student is marked as either present, absent, or late.  In other words, not left unmarked.

I'd like to point out that excused students are neither present, nor absent, nor late.  

After spending time with Canvas support, I was pointed to what was offered as the solution:

However, although one can award a badge to an unmarked student, Canvas still creates a to-do for the unmarked status.

I don't want to give credit to students who are excused, but I also don't want to deduct from their attendance score.  Again, this was possible until fall 2023.  I also don't want to have to ignore the to-do list because I'm excusing students.

I wish Canvas would reconsider the changes made and stop the logic causing unmarked students to be flagged as a to-do task.

1 Solution
Community Explorer

The problem seems to have gone away on its own.  What was happening was that I was getting a take attendance reminder in the phone app.  In the Canvas Teacher phone app there is an icon of a clipboard in the middle bottom of the screen.  That's the to-do.

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