Assignment group not including all grades in group average

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One of my weighted groups on the Gradebook isn't averaging all of the assignments from Connect. I have resynced, with no change. For example, a student has a grade of 100% on a SmartBook assignment and a 33.32% on the Ch. 1 Quiz. However, in the "Online Assignments" total column, the average of those two grades reads 36.75%.

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1 Solution
Community Champion

@lrange What are the points of the assignments/quizzes in the group?  Assignment groups do not weight everything equally, the points determine the sub-weight.  So if the Smartbook assignment is only 10 points and the CH 1 Quiz is 100, I would expect to see an average similar to that since the quiz is worth 10 times more.  If the points are all equal, then obviously something else is going on.

Hope this helps!


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