Assignment comments not showing on web interface (only)

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I'm new to canvas, and just testing out speedgrader.  I notice that on one assignment (but not another, oddly), comments on the attempt show up on my ipad but not on the web interface.  They're there - I can download them - but I can't see them.  What am I missing?



Screenshot 2023-08-03 143044.jpgScreenshot 2023-08-03 at 2.28.45 PM.png

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1 Solution

Hi KevinNickels!

This does seem odd and not the expected outcome. The good news, you have gathered all of the required information to report the problem to Canvas Support. You will want to connect with your Canvas administration team to have a case created or you can use the "Report a Problem" link in your instance navigation under the "Help" icon. If this option is not available to you, you will want to contact the designated Canvas administrator at your institution. 


I hope this helps, and thanks for using the community for assistance! 

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