Any way to see responses in the Discussion Boards?

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Community Explorer

Suddenly, my discussion boards (DBs) look different. I am not able to see any replies under posts.  I respond to every student using highlighting and different colors. Previously, I was able to scroll through the DB and quickly see my responses to each student. Now, I am forced to click each post individually to make sure I have responded. Is there any way to make all posts and responses visible?

This has added hours to my work as I am clicking each post individually to check and make sure I have responded.

Why did the discussion boards change to this tedious format?

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @acampbell3,

It sounds like your school/institution may have enabled the discussion/announcements redesign.  As the design is currently a preview, things are not finalized yet and some updates/changes to the redesign were just shared recently, and some of those may address your concerns.  For right now, you could go to your course settings -> feature options tab to see if you have the ability to disable the discussion redesign there. If not, you'd need to speak to your school/institution Canvas team (usually in the eLearning / IT / Digital Education areas) to find out if they'd be willing to allow individual courses to opt-out of the redesign for now.

Hope this helps!


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