Account Timezones vs. Course Timezones

Community Member


How do I most efficiently set assignment due dates/times for courses that will take place in different timezones than the one I live in (and in which I build the course)?

I noticed, when setting a timezone for a specific course that is different than the timezone I live in, which is also the timezone my account is set with, that the due dates/times don't get set automatically for the timezone the course is set with. 

For example, I live in the Illinois, but I'm working on a course that will take place in Beijing. I've set the course timezone to Beijing time and I've added an 8:30am due time to an assignment. However, after I save the settings for the assignment, it shows that the due time is 9:30pm (course time), with a local time of 8:30am (my time).

Thanks for thinking through this with me,
