Abilities of a co teacher in Canvas

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I was recently added as a Co-teacher in two Canvas courses. However, I do not seem to be able to add, edit, or create content. I was under the impression I would be able to do these things as a co-teacher. Is there a way to do that? 

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2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @MSTucker,

You'll probably need to reach out to your local Canvas team (usually in the eLearning / IT / Digital Education areas) to find out what permissions they have set up.  By default, there is not a "co-teacher" role in Canvas, so they may have made something custom.  It's also possible that you were added with the wrong role selected.  Either way, your local team will probably be able to help you a bit better than those os us in the global community of Canvas users here will be able to.  We don't have access to your Canvas environment or account or anything to know what's going on with 100% certainty.

Hope this helps a bit, even though it's not a direct answer/solution.  Let us know how things work out!


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Panda Pros
Panda Pros

It all depends on the permissions that were created for the Co-Teacher Roll.  When the co-Teacher roll was created there could be some permissions that were not turned on, such as grading, adding, editing or creating content.  I would recommend checkin with your Canvas admin and see what permissions have been set for the co-Teacher Roll.

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