403 Forbidden error Rate Limit Exceeded - message when video is viewed by students taking a quiz

Community Participant

Who: ASL teacher

What: Teacher recorded videos of instructor signing. Each video was then uploaded into a question stem. When it comes time for students to take the quiz, they are seeing a 403 Error. This is happening with every quesion. The instructor also see's it when in Preview Mode.  Files are stored with the course files- upload media folder. This is a Classic Quiz.

Can someone explain why this is happening? Too many students trying to access the video file? The files are published and viewable. They (ASL team) are using Classic instead of New Quizzes b/c of other media issues (videos just not showin at all). 

They are feeling very let down by the Canvas technology. They need was to assess students knowlege of sign language. At this point, will they need to upload all the videos in Google Drive, create/copy the embed code for each file and insert into the question stem? They have aprox 70 media files.

Thank you,

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