400mb Maximum Import Size

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Trying to import a 600mb+ imacc course file into my Canvas page. I'm told it exceed the maximum of 400mb. Can this maximum be increased? The file was provided to me by my department lead as the one we are to use for the course I'm teaching.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

@rpresson ...

Are you using the FFT (Free For Teacher) version of Canvas?  Or, does your school use a paid version of Canvas?  Here is how you can usually tell:

If you are using a FFT version of Canvas, those courses are limited to 500 MB of course storage.  However, if you are using a paid version of Canvas, you might be able to talk with your school's Canvas administrator or someone from your school's Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Education team to see if it would be possible to increase the storage limit of your course.

For further information on the differences between a FFT account and a paid Canvas account, look at the PDF comparison document linked in:

Canvas Free-for-Teacher FAQ (canvaslms.com)

Hopefully this information will be helpful to you.  Looking forward to hearing back from you soon!

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