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Canvas Student Release Notes (iOS 7.6)

Canvas Student Release Notes (iOS 7.6)

In Canvas Student 7.6, Hindi language localization is added. On the Assignment Details and Grades pages, a Graded pill displays once the submission has been graded. When creating a new To Do item, the details page is redesigned. Offline Mode supports the Assignment List Grading Periods filter and the Institution’s theme. Additionally, the storage header collapses when scrolling on the Offline Sync page.

Canvas iOS app version updates are distributed in a phased rollout, which distributes the update to all users enrolled in automatic updates over time. The features in these notes may not immediately be available, but iOS users can manually update the app at any time in the iTunes Store. The Canvas Student iOS App requires iOS 15.0 or later.

New Features

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Added Hindi Language

The Student mobile app includes Hindi language localization.

Related Idea: None

Updated Features

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Graded Pill

On the Assignment Details and Grades pages, a Graded pill displays once the submission has been graded.

Related Idea: None


Grades Page Graded TextGrades Page Graded Text

On the Grades page, the word Graded displays after the submission is graded.


Assignment Details Graded TextAssignment Details Graded Text

In Assignment Details, once an assignment has been graded, the word Graded displays.


Add To Do Page Redesigned

When creating a new To Do item, the details page is redesigned.

Related Idea: None

To Do Edit PageTo Do Edit Page

In the Add New To Do item page, the interface is updated. 

To Do Select CalendarTo Do Select Calendar

The Select Calendar page features radio buttons that match the course colors. Additionally, students can add To-Do items to their personal calendar.



Offline Sync Page Storage Header Collapses

The Storage header collapses when scrolling on the Offline Sync page.

Related Idea: None

Storage HeaderStorage Header

When scrolling on the Offline Sync page, the Storage header collapses.

Offline Mode

Added Features

Offline Mode supports the Assignment List Grading Periods filter and the Institution’s theme.

Related Idea: None
Assignment Page Filter LinkAssignment Page Filter Link

On the Assignments page, the Grading Period filter is available in Offline Mode.


Student Dashboard ViewStudent Dashboard View

 In Offline mode, institution themes are supported.

Change Log


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