Voice your Thoughts on the Canvas Parent App






Update (November 21, 2024) 📣
We’ve heard your requests and are excited to announce that the deadline to provide feedback has been extended to 15th of December 2024. Take advantage of this opportunity to let us know how we can make the Canvas Parent App even better!  Thank you

Tl;dr – We are looking for input from observers to improve the communication between the school and the families through the Canvas Parent App. Canvas Parent App notification is in our crosshair. 

Why we are doing

Our goal is to alleviate the communication challenges faced by institutions while empowering parents with the information they need to best support their students. If your Institution uses parent/family observers in Canvas, here is the opportunity to influence the future of the Canvas Parent App. 

Our Canvas Parent App currently supports Inbox messages and a custom set of alerts where the Schools, Instructors and the Observers can communicate with each other. We would like to enrich the notification to best meet the needs of everyone involved. In order to collect the valuable feedback we are kindly asking you to share our survey with the families you are connected with

Parent survey.png


How the Survey works

If you are a parent of a Canvas student, you can 👉 Click here and start the survey. 

If you are an Admin or Instructor at your Institution and you are connected with families, we kindly ask you to distribute the survey within your internal network. Here is an example global announcement that admin could send to “observers” to get their input directly:

Attention Parents/Families: The Canvas Mobile team is very interested in learning more about the experience for observers in the Canvas Parent App.

If you could spare 10 minutes to participate in this survey to provide your valuable insights, it would truly be appreciated and would help guide development of the Canvas Parent App in the future.  

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

We look forward to reviewing the survey results and determining the best path forward for communication in the Canvas Parent App.  Based on the results, we will design features in the Parent App.  We'll then review any new designs with users (volunteers from the survey) and develop a finalized version based on the feedback we receive.  


Thank you for your continued support and participation in our surveys to make the Canvas Mobile App even more useful. Your feedback consistently helps us in improving our services and ensuring customer satisfaction. We are grateful to have you as a valued contributor to our research!


Community Champion

How long will this survey be available?


Hi @audra_agnelly, to fill the survey will not take more 8-10 minutes. Since there are a few free text entry spaces, it may vary from the respondent. It will be available until End of November, 2024. 

Community Champion

Thanks, I meant how long will the survey link be open for parent participation. Is there deadline to submit feedback?


ohh, sorry, my bad. I've added to my response: it will be open until approx. end of November 2024. But if there is a request to extend it, please let us discuss the details. 

Community Champion

Can you clarify if Assignment Group totals are missing from the Parent App by design or is this a bug? Parents see the groups and the raw assignment scores (our teachers usually score by points) but do not see the rollup or the averages.

The student app shows these values and those subtotals are important information about that overall Total. At our elementary level we don't even report the total on the report cards and instead report on the assignment group averages which align with our standards based grading and reporting model. Parents who are using the mobile app are not able to see that information that goes onto the report cards.


Hi audra_agnelly, thank you for contacting me. We are continuously working to improve the parent experience.
The asked assignment - group scores have not yet been developed in mobile applications, not only for parents, but also for students. It is a very important aspect what you just brought up. Thank you.
We are going to investigate if this can be delivered earlier than the planned, bigger work around Gradebook.