Zoom in Canvas

Community Team
Community Team

If you would like to connect with students using Zoom as your conferencing tool, you have the ability to add a Zoom Meeting to your Canvas Course, Course Announcement, Module, or via Calendar. The Zoom sessions will start when you join, and will run until you end the meeting. You do not have to update the link to start a new session. When you're ready for your next class to start, the same link allows the next group of students to join.


Note - Zoom will launch in a new tab, and if students are on a mobile device they will need the Zoom app, or can call in to participate via phone. 


Please view Zoom Meetings in Canvas to view or download a copy of the instructions below.


If you need to configure your Canvas instance with the Zoom LTI, please view the Zoom LTI Pro 1.3 for Canvas document from the Zoom Help Center.


Add a Zoom Meeting in Announcements

Add a Zoom Meeting in Modules

Add a Zoom Meeting in Course Navigation

Add a Zoom Meeting in Calendar

Community Participant

I don't think it's recommended to use your PMI information.

Community Explorer

I have TA's that create Zoom meetings within a course.  The problem is they aren't showing on the calendar, they only show when a teacher adds it, is this correct and is there a way for a TA to create the meeting and have it show on the calendar?  

Community Contributor

In our experience, we found that they need to have authenticated Zoom Pro accounts w/in the/your larger institution Zoom account as well - just like folk in the Teacher role... but there could be variation, I imagine.  We are using the Zoom LTI Pro integration and are working with a large-ish institution Zoom account.  A few times we found folk manually created one-off, personal Zoom accounts using their campus email account and they needed to terminate/delete that account and then turn to authenticate with the institution account and try the integration.

Community Explorer

Is it possible to host multiple Zoom Meetings at the same time in a Canvas Course? For example, we are have a virtual learning day on July 28.  Each 45 minute slot will have 3 sessions. Will participants be able to choose the session from within Canvas?

Community Member

Yes, if they are different hosts. The zoom does not allow the same Host to be in simultaneous meetings.

Community Participant

This doesn't look how it's setup in out institution. Instead there is a Zoom link places in the navigation menu of every course through which instructors create meetings. Is this out of date?

Community Participant

Whether or not the Zoom link appears in the navigation of every course is

an option based on the way the XML is configured when the LTI is installed.

On Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 8:33 AM willmoin@liverpool.ac.uk <

Community Member

The Canvas administrator must enable the scheduling function in Zoom's LTI.

Community Member

I believe that the course follows a Bluprint that has the Zoom link disabled.

Community Member

If you have your teacher grant scheduling privileges to their TA within Zoom, they can schedule for the teacher and then I think they should show up on the calendar. Alternatively, if your TAs have account admin privileges in Canvas, they can "Act as User" for the teacher and schedule the Zoom, it will schedule it as if the teacher did it themselves. I have set up literally hundreds of zooms like that, it works perfectly.

Community Explorer

Can this be done on the admin portal for all teachers or do individual teachers need to do this in their courses?

Community Explorer

I want to hold office hours for multiple classes at the same time through Zoom. Is this possible?

I tried to import a meeting from another class, and it told me I couldn't import it because it was already in another course. 

I just want drop in office hours via zoom that any student in any of my classes can use in the 3 hour period. (Like in real life--I have office hours that all my students, from all my classes, can visit at the same time!)  

Community Member

This can't be difficult to implement, I just can't figure it out.

Community Explorer

I have been trying to figure out the same thing and my college support tells me it is not possible. This makes the Zoom Function in Canvas unappealing.

Community Explorer

How do you add a Zoom recording in your zoom cloud to the Zoom link in your class Canvas page?

Community Explorer

 I did some experimenting with this. If you have a zoom meeting associated with a class ( by importing it into the class or creating the meeting while in Canvas for that class) then I believe the recorded Zoom Meetings in the cloud will automatically show up to students when they click the Zoom link.  That is what happened to me in my experiment.    However, If the Zoom meeting is connected to another class, then you will have to get the Zoom link to the recorded video in the cloud and add it as an activity in a module in the class in Canvas. 

Community Coach
Community Coach

Has anyone experienced any changes to Zoom and LTI Pro?

We are experiencing that Zoom is no longer embedding itself as a frame when clicking on "Zoom" inside of a course and it is loading as a pop-up (sometimes blocked depending on web browser settings).

I looked at the Zoom LTI Pro release notes and there are no updates to it since March 2020.

Community Coach
Community Coach

You have to set your Canvas domain (I did production, beta, and test) as an approved domain in Zoom's LTI Pro configuration in the Zoom marketplace.

zoom lti pro approved domains.png



Community Member

ZOOM is integrated into Canvas at my college.  When opening ZOOM it seems there is no way to create pre-set breakout rooms.  Is this something the administrator can correct?

Community Member

Can you add a zoom meeting to a specific student's calendar? I am a special education teacher and will need to have only specific kids see my zoom link. 


Community Novice

Hi! I've been using Zoom, through Canvas, to teach my university courses; my university is a client, so that part is all set up. I'm wondering if there's some way to automatically share the **class** videos -- not others -- with the students in that class? or do I need to keep emailing links to them after every class? Thanks for any help!

Hali Fieldman

Community Explorer

I have found that if I create a Zoom link from Canvas or import it in, students can see recordings put in the cloud if they go to the Zoom link in Canvas and click on cloud recordings.  Only students in that class can do that though, not students in other classes because Canvas will not let you import the Zoom link into another class. So for other class to see the recording you will have to cut the link to the Zoom recording on the cloud and paste it into a module in that other class.  If you create a new Canvas class by copying from another Canvas class, the Zoom links carried over will appear to be functional and working but you will be mistaken. When I call Canvas about issues like this I am told that Zoom is a 3rd party and they do not support it; essentially meaning that they don't have an answer will not research it if it involves Zoom.

Community Explorer

Sorry if this question has been asked many times. How do I get "a valid invitation" to join my Zoom link from the Canvas Courses options?    I always get this WARNING ERROR MSG 

A valid invitation to join the Zoom account was not found for this user.
Error Code 1120 - INT_dc51240786af1f57
I just want my students to be able to click the Zoom button from the Course menu, and get linked account automatically to my Zoom link, or via the Courses --> Zoom option, thanks.
Community Coach
Community Coach

@joseph_pangilin, I am not sure but it sounds like either:

  1. that you do not have a Zoom account that has been licensed by your institution and that causes Canvas to not be able to access your Zoom account through the integration between the two systems
  2. you might already be logged into a different Zoom account via Zoom's web portal (https://zoom.us) and you are trying to access your institution's Zoom account from within Canvas and that is causing a conflict
  3. your institution's Zoom account integration with Canvas needs to be adjusted

Sorry that I cannot be of more help but maybe someone else has an idea.


Community Explorer

Thank you for your response.  Yes, I finally got my school's zoom account. 

Now as it turns out, I have double ZOOM MEETING entries --as I get confused between multiple calendars (work, personal, school) -- so sometimes, the Zoom meeting I enter, is different from what some students log into!!!

But will resolve that separately. Thank you, Doug.



Community Explorer

I am a part time professional lecturer, new at Canvas, but now with several Zoom accounts. 

Since I need to use my school's Zoom account, I often inadvertently cause a double calendar entry and sometimes a double Zoom-meeting entry, sometimes with DIFFERENT PASSWORDS. What is the best way to synchronize or to avoid multiple ZOOM MEETING entries meant for the same meeting? 

So much time is wasted and the situation gets pretty toxic when the Zoom meeting some students enter is different from what I log into!!!



Community Coach
Community Coach

@joseph_pangilin /Joseph,

You are welcome.  One of the balancing acts that we (computer users) need to figure out for ourselves is how much we combine our lives and the hats (work, teacher, student, personal) together in a digital environment.

For myself, I have found an acceptable balance for me personally and it would take too long to explain and I tend to not synchronize my data because I want it to be in different locations.

The easiest recommendation that I can provide if you want your lives/hates to be separate from each other is to use different web browsers for different roles that we have.  One of the advantages of the Microsoft Edge now being based on the Chromium web browser is that (except for highly specialized web sites) is that it is Google Chrome and it is compatible with Macs.  This means that they both work the same way with Microsoft and Google offering different options and experiences.  I bring that up because you could use Microsoft Edge for one part of your life and Google Chrome for another part of your life.  This would meant that you would be signed into all of the web services (Canvas, Zoom, Google account) for that part of your life.  You could also consider using Mozilla Firefox, which is compatible with the majority of web sites.

Another option would be to use the "People" (also known as "Profiles") feature built into Google Chrome.  This allows you to setup different "People" ("Profiles") inside of Google Chrome so that you have a work profile, a school profile, and a personal profile.



If you need more assistance, I would recommending working with your IT Department at work or school or considering finding a friend that can help you.


Community Contributor

We've recently made the switch from BigBlueButton to Zoom LTI within Canvas.  One of the features we liked from BBB was the ability to schedule a conference for some students but not all.  This was great for small groups or just 1-to-1 meetings.  Has anyone had any luck doing this?

Community Novice

We utilize the zoom link in the navigation panel on the left to schedule our zoom classes for our students. Sometimes, there are multiple "sections" of a course that need to meeting for the same class. Is there a way to put the same zoom class in more than one section/class in the zoom link in the navigation panel? I usually have to schedule it in one class section and copy the link in an announcement for the other sections. However, this is inconvenient for the other sections as sometimes the announcements get buried. Can this we fixed?


Prof. JBell

Community Novice

Is it possible to schedule a one on one student-teacher meeting through Zoom on Canvas? Every time I try the meeting shows for all class members. 

I have password protected it so no other students can actually join the meeting but it is confusing for them none the less.

Community Champion

Hi @jsimmons5 , no, any meeting you create using the Zoom LTI in a Canvas course will be available to all students in the course.

I wish there were a way to do that!  Pick one student, or a group, or a section.

Instead, create the zoom meeting outside of the class, at zoom.us or whatever URL is set up for your school.  Then share the meeting link via email or inbox message only with the student(s) who should attend.  

Community Novice

Thank you!!