Teaching and Learning for Every One



Real students, Real stories.

When we say “teaching and learning for every one,” we mean it. That’s why we’re so excited to feature the stories of real learners in the Asia-Pacific region using Canvas—because every student is unique, and each journey matters.


Student Voices

Whether they’re balancing studies with on-the-job training, juggling family life and further education, or learning on the go, these students are forging their own paths with Canvas.


From dancer to dairy farmer


Celina Pellett • Tocal College

When an accident cut short Celina’s dreams of being a professional dancer, she began a traineeship as a dairy farmer. Through Canvas, she balances life on the farm with her coursework from Tocal College.

Coming from a non-agricultural background, the use of Canvas helped me to set where I want to go in life.



Dad, teacher, and Canvas student


Stephen Zissermann • UTS

After Stephen decided to return to school and pursue a master’s degree, it was a happy surprise to learn that through Canvas, learning entirely online is easy and accessible.

I recommend studying. The Canvas platform makes it really easy. It gives me the opportunity to do it at my own pace and in a fun and creative way.




Commuting with Canvas


Mickah Claron • Far Eastern University

Mickah spends up to 2 hours traveling to her university classes each day. With the Canvas app and offline mode, she uses her commuting time to stay up to date with her assignments and learning.

My phone is not just for social media. My phone is actually for learning.




Uplift more voices

There are countless examples of students finding success. Together, let's tell their stories!

  • How can educators effectively use their LMS to foster a sense of community and connection among online learners, especially in asynchronous environments?
  • What strategies have you seen be successful?

Originally published on Instructure.com