HTML Resource List for ID's

Community Novice

Hello fellow, ID's!   @zal5010 ​ and I gave a short presentation about Canvas HTML (tips & tricks, code snippets, general recommendations, etc.) to a group of local Instructional Designers last week, and we wanted to share our resources list from the presentation with the rest of you folks as well.

Almost everything in that document is already available in various parts of the Canvas Community; we just collected all of the bits and pieces of info/ links we've been using to create our own course designs in one place. Hope some of you find it helpful!

Community Champion

That is really awesome! The "Canvas Learning Center" is behind a password lock, but everything else is accessible. It is neat to see the many possibilities to arrange Canvas to the Instructors liking, and I have used many of these code bits.

I would find it helpful to add links or the actual code that is used to the examples;p

Community Novice

Hi Janell! Unfortunately, the Canvas Learning Center is locked down to members of our institution, but I am working on updating all of the code snippets you would find there, and I'll post an update with those examples as soon as I've got them! Thanks!!

Community Novice

Thank you, Kristie! I would love to see your code snippets. I appreciate you sharing.

Community Coach
Community Coach

This is awesome!  I gave a somewhat similar webinar last month at my institution, but I had to keep it much simpler since I also had non-coding faculty.  I'm hoping to develop a sequel where I can limit the audience to more experienced coders.  Thanks for sharing this. 

Community Member

Would like a copy of your snippets...can you share it via a Google Doc? Thanks!