Course Evaluation Checklist

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


Our Canvas Course Evaluation Checklist v2.0 is Now Available! Please visit our Course Evaluation Checklist v2.0 Blog Post to learn more about v2.0 and create your own copy of the checklist. We hope you enjoy! Smiley Happy


When Shauna Vorkink - Content Services Director first approached me about collaborating on a Course Evaluation Checklist with Erin Keefe - Training Team Lead and Deonne Johnson - Consultant, I was beyond thrilled. I knew this was something I could utilize in my current position as an Instructional Designer for Instructure, but even more importantly, it would provide the framework to ultimately help millions of Canvas users.

Potential Uses

  • Share this checklist with your colleagues
  • Apply the principles to your own course
  • Elevate the quality of your institution’s courses



The checklist is available via Google Docs "Make a Copy" so you can customize for your institution. Please select the following link for access: Course Evaluation Checklist Editable


Note: We ask that you maintain our Citation list located at the bottom of the document. 


:smileyinfo: Update

This checklist is now available in Spanish! Please select the following link for access: Lista de Evaluacion del Curso


:smileyinfo: Update 

Members of the Content Services team collaborated with Canvas mobile app guru,  @rseilham , to create another go-to resource to help you understand mobile app design considerations. Please be sure to visit the Mobile App Design Course Evaluation Checklist blog post to access this additional resource!


Please comment below. We’d love to hear from you!


Our Instructional Design team offers full Course Evaluations. Course evaluation services provide insight into best practices. Recommendations will focus on aligning course objectives, accessibility, and overall creation of an enhanced user experience. If you would like to learn more about our services, please contact your CSM or Shauna Vorkink - Content Services Director ‌at