Canvas Pages and HTML Anchors... are you using them?

Community Participant

Hi everyone! Thought I’d write a post as well as creating a Screencast of something I’d like to share.

I know this is something very basic, but I’m hoping it could help at least one person out there in the Canvas community!

We use simple HTML page anchors in our Degree Education Template, making it easier for students to navigate around our course syllabus as it is a bit of a long read at times.

We also use these in Information Centers that sit on our instance of Canvas for the same reason.

I have a fairly good understanding of HTML and for some reason it took me a while to test this out in Canvas to see if it would work and of course, it does!


 Canvas Page Anchors Tutorial - YouTube


Points To Remember


  • Do not use spaces between the #tag and ID. Spaces between words will break the Page Anchor.
  • Any text on a Canvas page can be used as an Anchor
  • Page Anchors can link to an entirely different course page or course. For example, you may have some regulations that sit In Canvas on a course open to the whole institution, there may be a section of that course halfway down a page you want to link to from your course.
  • The id can be added to a header or paragraph tag (to keep it simple!)


HTML Snippet


If you haven't done this before, try it yourself! below you'll find the two HTML snippets you'll need. 😁

Step One


Step Two



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