Canvas Basics Revamped: Your Go-To Canvas Course, Now Updated!



Canvas Basics Course Updates

What’s Included in This Post?
• Canvas Basics course access information
• What's New? Check out the latest updates to the Canvas Basics course
• What's Next? Learn about additional opportunities to learn about Canvas and all the amazing Canvas tools and features

The Canvas Basics course has been updated to enhance your learning experience! Discover the latest features and improvements designed to make your Canvas journey easier than ever. This refreshed course is your gateway to mastering Canvas.

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What’s New?

The updated Canvas Basics course includes a new look, embedded Canvas Community guides and videos, updated content highlighting key features, and links to additional helpful resources. 

New Look

You'll notice the Canvas Basics course has a new look! We've made this change to provide a consistent experience across both the Canvas Network and the On-Demand Training Portal where the course is now available.

Embedded Community Guides and Videos

The updated Canvas Basics course now integrates Canvas Community guides and video shorts directly into the content, providing seamless access to the latest information and resources.

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Course Assessment and Wrap Up

Earn your Canvas Basics Badge with the new course assessment. Already earned the Canvas Basics Badge? No worries, we're not taking away any previously earned badges! The updated course also includes a feedback survey, links to the latest product updates and releases, and resources to continue your Canvas journey.

How to Access the Canvas Basics Course

The Canvas Basics course is available in two places, the On-Demand Training Portal and the Canvas Network.

On-Demand Training Portal

If your institution has access to the On-Demand Training Portal, you have access to the Canvas Basics course from your portal. This course is available for all subscription levels (Free, Essential, Standard, and Premium). Learn more about how to access the On-Demand Training Portal

TIP: For the best experience, access the course via the On-Demand Training Portal. This way, you'll earn the badge and have a completion record visible to both you and your institution's admins.


Want to learn more about the On-Demand Training Portal? We’ve got you covered! This interactive resource highlights key features and resources to help maximize Canvas usage at your institution. Select the icons next to each topic on the ThingLink to discover the features and offerings of the On-Demand Training Portal. If you prefer to interact with the ThingLink using accessibility features, navigate to the Accessibility Viewer.

Canvas Network

Don't worry if you have a Free-for-Teachers account or your institution doesn't have access to the On-Demand Training Portal – the Canvas Network has you covered! You'll find the same great Canvas Basics course and content there. Simply enroll and start learning!

What’s Next?

Be sure to subscribe to this blog to stay informed about any future updates to the Canvas Basics course. Refer to this Community guide to learn how to subscribe to a Community blog. 

Looking for More?

The Canvas Basics course is a great resource for getting started with Canvas, however, there is still a lot to explore and discover. Check out these other amazing resources available to help you get the most out of your Canvas implementation: 

If you would like to learn more about our services, please contact your Sales/Customer Success Team!