Automated QTI-based quiz generation using a Mac — it is possible

Community Explorer

Problem:  Few if any tools are available to generate QTI packages on a Mac — I'm not aware of any. While it is possible to run Respondus in a virtual environment, it is cumbersome and not practical for the majority of people. For me, it is just too much of a headache to create or modify quizzes using this approach.

Solution: Create a solution using FileMaker.

I have been developing my own solution over the past several years. It has finally matured to the point that I feel comfortable sharing it / determining if there is even interest. The database houses all the questions I've ever used for exams, quizzes, and homework assignments (currently >900) — it is trivial to add new questions or make changes.

I've posted a PDF feature file if anyone is interested in learning about the solution and potentially giving it a try.

Things to consider:

  • Besides serving as a platform for question management, probably the most significant feature people might be interested in is the ability to create and post a classic quiz on Canvas (via the API) with a single click without ever logging into Canvas. The time it takes to accomplish this can range from 5-30 seconds — it simply depends on Canvas server load at any given time. What used to be a huge time sink, now takes seconds to post a complete quiz with all the desired settings.
  • Importantly, you control your own data. Database questions are not stored on Canvas. There is no need to export, re-import, or create a Question Bank. If your institution changes platforms, you won't be struck waiting for an import/export solution. As such, your data is portable and can be exported for use in another context.
  • This brings me to 'New Quizzes'. It appears that Instructure is delaying the transition to their revised question model. Currently one cannot even export a 'New Quiz' and there is no published API (yet). However, once these two things are available, I will likely make script modifications that enable integration. The difficulty of doing so remains to be seen. However, if it is QTI-based, it should be straight forward.
  • If structured correctly, the database can import any questions you already have as long as they are in a CSV, TAB, Microsoft Excel, or FileMaker format. While importing takes seconds, the time it takes to accomplish a successful import depends on how your data is structured. I'm happy to make a template, but won't do so unless someone is interested.

One final note, there are a number of posted questions relating to QTI packages and quiz import (API or otherwise) in the forum where the 'approved' solution says it isn't possible or that one cannot create a QTI package without a pricey piece of proprietary, single-use software. This comes from well-intentioned individuals trying to be helpful. Unfortunately, in this context, they are wrong. For clarification, it isn't lost on me that FileMaker is one such costly piece of software, but I use daily for a variety of other tasks. The software is worth EVERY penny.

So, if someone is interested and already has FileMaker (some institutions may have a site license or one can download a free demo from FileMaker), please make a post and let me know. If there isn't any interest, I'll avoid the effort of generalizing my database for use by others.
