Am I a Resonant Leader?

Community Member

Am I inspirational? How do I inspire people?

I inspire others by leading through example, showing them that success comes from taking ownership and acting without fear of failure. I create a sense of trust by allowing people the flexibility to manage their time as long as projects stay on track. This empowerment builds confidence and motivates them to take initiative and be creative within a safe framework.

Do I create an overall positive emotional tone that is characterized by hope? How?

Rather than focusing on hope, which can feel abstract, I foster a positive emotional tone by building strong relationships with individuals. I recognize their efforts and reward excellent work, not just with recognition but with tangible rewards like financial bonuses. By doing this, I create a culture of achievement and mutual respect, which helps maintain positivity and drive in the workplace.

Am I in touch with others? Do I really know what is in others' hearts and on their minds? How do I show this?

While I may not fully understand what is in everyone's hearts and minds, I strive to create an open, inclusive environment where people feel safe to express themselves. I encourage open dialogue and ensure space for people to share their thoughts and ideas or relax if needed. My goal is to build an atmosphere where people feel comfortable being honest and are heard.

Do I regularly experience and demonstrate compassion? How?

Compassion, to me, means recognizing the balance between work and life. It is about understanding that personal well-being comes before work demands. I demonstrate compassion by respecting that balance, ensuring people know it is okay to prioritize their personal lives, and supporting them emotionally when needed. It is about being attuned to their needs beyond just their performance.

Am I authentic and in tune with myself, others, and the environment? How can people see this in me?

I am deeply in tune with myself and with the people around me. I approach situations with integrity and transparency, which others can see in the way I communicate and act. As for the environment, I respect and adhere to the rules and regulations that apply to our business. While my connection to environmental matters may be limited to compliance, I ensure my responsibilities are always fulfilled.


Completing the exercise made me realize that I often underestimate my emotional impact on others. While I prioritize enabling people to act without fear and give them flexibility in their work, I have sometimes overlooked the emotional tone I bring to the team. For example, I used to believe that financial rewards for excellent performance were enough to create a positive environment, but now I see that building meaningful relationships and acknowledging the emotional well-being of team members are just as crucial  (Goleman, 2017).

Additionally, I have learned that compassion extends beyond ensuring that life comes before work. It also involves actively showing empathy in the moment, checking in with people on a deeper emotional level, and supporting them through personal challenges (Fredrickson, 2001). I have also come to realize that managing my own stress is essential to maintaining a resonant leadership style. When I manage stress effectively, I can stay connected with my team and prevent the negative ripple effects of emotional dissonance (Heifetz & Linsky, 2002).



Fredrickson, B. L. (2001). The role of positive emotions in positive psychology: The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions. American Psychologist56(3), 218-226.

Goleman, D. (2017). Leadership that gets results (Harvard business review classics). Harvard Business Press.

Heifetz, R. A., & Linsky, M. (2002). Leadership on the line: Staying alive through the dangers of leading. Harvard Business Press.