[Support] Panda Bot Voice Assistant IN Canvas for instructors

Problem statement:

There are many routine tasks that could be streamlined for users in Canvas with a LLM GAI voice assistant. This would aid students and instructors accomplishing much more in less time. Voice input would also be a great boon to the accessibility of Canvas.


Proposed solution:

I imagine, that the spoken dialogue goes like this when I (an instructor) enter the office: Hey, Panda! Good morning; let's get to work. Pull up a list of any urgent student messages; release this week's announcement to all classes; post grades for the Essay Three assignment in all sections of Composition I. We also need to message students John Smith, Alexa Doe, Jessica Martiniez, and ask them to make an appointment during office hours. Include the link to my Calendly in the messages.

Panda: I am executing those instructions. Three messages out of ten seem urgent, and I have pulled up those three on the monitor.

After replying to the messages by voice or typing: Hey, Panda. We need to design a test for the American Literature II class. Based on the assigned readings, videos, and lecture materials, generate a test bank of two hundred multiple-choice questions with four distractors and one correct answer each. We also need a bank of fifty essay questions. Please display the bank on my screen for review and editing.

Panda: On it. Anything else?

Me: Let's doordash some coffee and some of those egg bites and have them delivered to Smith Hall 106 -- I start a class there in a few.

Panda: You got it.

A lot to ask for? Absolutely. Can it be done? My interactions with upgraded Alexa and CHatGPT 4 on my iPhone suggest that it might be at least somewhat doable. How about it, Instructure? 😀


User role(s):
