Submission_Versions Table
It is incredibly difficult to get the previous submissions of a user in a programmatic way. It is possible to get this through the API, but even so creating an ETL process and expanding this beyond a single student or two is difficult.
This would be made MUCH easier if you either added the submission_version_id to the GET request output from the /api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignments/:assignment_id/submissions?include[]=submission_versions If this was added you could simply verify that the submission_version_id matched the table and use this to validate. That or just add the submission_id to the submission_versions table which is what should have happened in the first place. Then you could simply validate by course/user/assignment/submission for the ETL table to ensure you aren't checking things again/reprocessing/or duplicating efforts. Thanks, and please make getting submission history for assignments a better process, even if the solution isn't one of the above.