[Studio] Studio closed caption as default

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

Closed Caption for Canvas Studio needs to be enabled and utilized by default. If I want to opt-out of CC then I should be able to click it and opt out rather than click to enable them. If I set my language preference, I should be able to have closed captions on be default without going through extra steps to add them and the transcript to any video or multimedia item I create. 


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Community Member

Have copied and pasted Rae's comment above as it hits the nail on the head. Please consider this...

A change to captions being created and made available by default would be a massive improvement in terms of ensuring good accessibility in courses using Studio videos. The current process requires users to go to the Captions tab, select the language, request captions, wait....................., receive an email, go back into the video, go to the Captions tab, click Review and Publish, review the captions, then click Publish......

A lot of steps that could make this necessary accessibility feature too hard for many users.

Another related aspect is that the current icon for a viewer to turn on captions is not the commonly accepted CC icon, necessitating instructions on how to turn on captions. 

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: In Development
  Comments from Instructure


Please see the Canvas Roadmap for more details!

Community Participant
Problem statement:

I would like to see the option for Captions in Studio to be a one-time setting. Preferably, on by default and use my Default Preferred Language as it's guide. And, if I want to change auto captioning in the future to a different language, let THAT be the toggle. With Accessibility being an increased concern and requirement, the Auto Captions need to be on by default to meet these accessibility concerns. The interface to edit the captions is very easy to edit as it is.

Proposed solution:

Have the Captions Tab have my default language in my profile be the guide for Auto Captions and have Auto Captions on by Default. Then, if I choose to go back in and auto caption at a different language., provide a toggle for that. But, Auto Captioning ought to be on all the time for every video, every day, every time. This will help people create videos that are accessible by default instead of having to go in and turn Captions on

User role(s):


Community Participant

oh yes, I think this is an excellent idea and Paul displays remarkable thought processes and student-oriented solutions 😁

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Completed
Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the Studio Release Notes (2023-02-21)