[Studio] Sharing a whole video collection to a page.

Problem statement:

I have several video collections saved in my library with the appropriate course titles. When I want to share these collections with a course there is no way to automatically add a link to a page or area, instead, I have add the videos from the collection to a page one by one. My only other option is to share the collection with individuals as we don't have groups set up.

Proposed solution:

Could Canvas add an option to share a link to the collection to a course page to save time and errors? Thanks Aidan

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Added to Theme

1 Comment
Status changed to: Added to Theme

Hi @Aidan1070 ,

We do have similar plans late this year, one of them is adding playlist support to Studio. On that note, are you expecting to link the collection only, or students should be able to play the videos while in the course Page? Would you be able to share more on the specifics? If you made the solution in Canvas today, how would that look like from a student point of view? Would you like to share quiz embedded videos as well or just plain media?

Thank you,
