[Studio] It's Difficult to See Titles of Studio Videos

If I am working in a page, assignment, etc. where there are Studio videos, and I want to do something with the videos in the pages, it can be difficult because I can't see the title of the video.  So, in order to find it in Studio, I have to guess the title in order to search in Studio or scroll through all the options.  Perhaps the title could appear when you hover over the video?

Relatedly, even in Studio itself it is hard to see the entire titles of the videos.  In most videos, only the first part of the title is shown.  I have many videos with similar titles, so this becomes a frustration.  It would be nice to see the full title by hovering over the title and/or the video.

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Instructure Alumni
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I wholeheartedly agree. In a related issue, the HTML iframe tag that the RCE creates when embedding the video in the page is lacking the title attribute which violates best practices for accessibility. Adding the title attribute would be helpful for screenreaders, but does not address Gil's issue.

Here's a suggestion that could help in the short term: Studio lets you change the thumbnail image for each video, If you create a slide with the video's title in something like PowerPoint, you can have the video's title prominently displayed both in the course and in the Studio Library.

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