[Studio] Insight Data on Canvas Studio Videos

Problem statement:

For videos in Canvas Studio, which I post to pages, I receive data in "Insights" about students who have watched the video. It also includes the percentage that they watched, with a bar chart of the time. For example, it will tell me that Joe Schmo watched 74% of a video and, if I click on that, I can see that Joe watched a bunch at first, then skipped a chunk in the middle, and then watched the rest. However, this data is still pretty coarse-grained. I cannot see, for example, if a student watched the video more than once, or when the student watched it. So, if I tell a student who had previously watched a video to "please go back and review this video before our meeting", I can't see whether or not they've done so.

Proposed solution:

Given that Canvas must have this data and already has a CSV download, my proposed solution is that Canvas includes this data in the CSV download. The info that is already available is probably enough for basic users, but all that Canvas would need to do is add the data, which I assume they already have, to the CSV file for download. The information that would be useful is: information about each time the student watched the video and, for each of them, how much of the video they watched. This would give us instructors a better picture of how our students are engaging with our content, which will help us update how we present our material.

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