[Studio] Ability to Share Studio Videos to Commons

Problem statement:

As instructional Designers, sometimes we make custom-made instructional videos, using Studio, for the students of certain faculty. Faculty also create videos that may like to share with colleagues to provide in their courses. We would like to be able to share such videos in the Commons area so the faculty can grab and insert anywhere in the course when needed. As of now, "Share to Commons" is not an option for the Studio Videos.

Proposed solution:

Please provide Canvas Studio videos with the "Share to Commons" option. Thank you, Farah Kashef

User role(s):


Added to Theme

1 Comment
Status changed to: Added to Theme

Hi @Farahlk ,

Thank you for submitting this idea. Although, we may realise the solution differently, the problem is very valid and we have it on our radar so I moved it under the appropriate theme. 

