[Student Grades] Monitor student grades in all courses

Our teachers and student support managers, who keep track of a student's progress across all courses, have an overwhelming need to view all students grades even though they are not one of their teachers. We would love a summary view of student's grades just like students and parents can see when they click on Grades from the Global Navigation. Currently, our staff have to go to each course to see a student's grade in that course, which is far from efficient. We would like for staff to simply be able to click on the student's name and see their progress in all courses they are enrolled in.

I am aware that Dropout Detective provides this functionality, but we do not need the extra features it provides.


Note: This was previously requested in the old community.

Community Explorer

We have a workaround to allow our advisors and counselors access to view all the student's grades. We cloned the admin role and eliminated most of the rights, except those to view grades and content and assigned this new 'advisor' role to the advisors and counselors.   Then we have them the link below and a list of the student canvas ids.   To view the student's grades, they simply replace the xxx with the canvas id of the student whose grades they want to review.


Community Explorer

We use Dropout Detective, because it's easy to which students need

attention, however, once we've identified a student who needs closer

monitor we use Nancy's workaround because we find it easy to drill in on a

student's grades in real-time. The only difference is I use an excel

formula to build an HTML page with links to all student Canvas pages. The

text has been blurred to protect privacy.

On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 3:43 PM reynoldsn@ehsbr.org <instructure@jiveon.com>

Community Participant

This feature NEEDS to be enabled for K-12 institutions to be able to function properly within Canvas.  Unfortunately, the pricetag on Dropout Detective is just too high.  That is an unreasonable ask, especially since as  @Hildi_Pardo  stated, Canvas has all the information we need.  It just needs to be packaged so our teachers, counselors, admin, and coaches can easily access it.


I don't generally like to comment on comments but I do like to respond when someone says our price is "too high."  That is a school-by-school decision and over 200 Canvas schools have opted to work with us.  Dropout Detective does a lot more than just provide a screen listing all of a student's classes & grades:

  • It automatically identifies at-risk or struggling students;
  • It gives schools the ability to build personalized dashboards of just the students assigned to me (great for guidance counselors, sports coaches, etc.)
  • It offers a Notes area where various school personnel can enter notes about a student and collaborate on support
  • It allows school personnel to place a student on "alert" which kicks off automated email workflow to the student's support team

Some schools will value these capabilities, some will not.  Thanks for allowing me to clarify.

Community Explorer

I think the common complaint really has to do with your statement "Dropout Detective does a lot more than just provide a screen listing all of a student's classes & grades." My school uses Dropout Detective and is very happy with it. I would assume that there is quite a bit of work involved in its development and the cost is justified. However, I think some people are happy to just have "a screen listing all of a student's classes & grades." It also seems that Canvas could easily add this basic functionality. And while I like Dropout Detective and my school would almost definitely continue to use it, since we are already able to generate a screen listing all of a student's classes & grades via HTML file, I do believe the lack of this functionality via web interface is just one example of how Canvas ignores its customers. 

I'd add, that based on my experience with AspirEDU, both the product and service, I would happily recommend Dropout Detective, however, I am less likely to recommend Canvas when basic features that should be part of the core functionality are not part of it. 

Community Novice

I'm sorry I didn't add this sooner... by the end of the 'fourth step' described above, you should have a Google spreadsheet with a row for all of your students, that looks like this:

Copy of FSI's Master list of Canvas User IDs (for "Academics Checker" tool, 2019-2020; last user upd... 

Hope that helps clarify my workaround (for using data that Canvas already compiles, to better monitor student performance across various roles at your institution -- without paying for a Canvas partner's tool(s) 😃

Community Novice

I'm sorry I didn't add this sooner... this is an addendum to my post on Sept. 11th, 2018, in which I tried to share a tutorial for how any Canvas admin could create HTM files full of clickable links to specific students' grades, for each of their staff. At the end of the 'fourth step' I described, you should have a Google spreadsheet with a row for all of your students, that looks like this:

Copy of FSI's Master list of Canvas User IDs (for "Academics Checker" tool, 2019-2020; last user upd... 

From there, just follow the remaining steps, starting with "Fifth step is to share the spreadsheet with your staff with viewing privileges..."

Hope this helps clarify my workaround (for using data that Canvas already compiles, to better monitor student performance across various roles at your institution -- without paying for a Canvas partner's tool(s) 😃 

Community Participant

Yes, love the idea!  @marthazumack ‌ 

It would also help a lot to have a page where students can view all their grades at once, not only for active enrollments. Please up vote my Feature Idea

Community Participant

All we need is a permission setting which allows a system user (like Manager or Mentor) to view a student's grade page..


Student Grades Page

Currently only people with "Act As User" have the ability to see this (that and the student themselves or the parent)


Community Explorer
We would like to share a need for K-8 administrators. In Q, the SIS system we are used to using for grades, principals and counselors can run reports that show:
-School wide -which students have a D or F and in which classes
-For a particular student-view all their classes and grades at a glance
For example, it might look like this: 
Class Grade
Period 1 88%
Period 2 54%
Period 3 90%
Period 4 85%
Period 5 43%
Period 6 78%
Period 7 80%
Period 8 62%
Could your design team consider adding these features to the admin role or as options for custom roles? I believe the parents/observers have a view like this, but administrators do not and it's not practical to make an admin observer to 100+ students they may be monitoring. 
I do see under sub-account, settings, reports there is a grade export but maybe on this page there could be a failing grade report or something so it's less to wade through. I also do not see the option to filter by grading period. I think that would be helpful since administrators need to do this D & F monitoring each trimester.
Also, we do see how to find a student in people and check their grade in each class by clicking the class title but that can be too time consuming for an administrator monitoring students at risk of failing.
I know these might be big asks, but I do know that Canvas is working on being more K-12 friendly and I think this would be a big help for a lot of districts.