[Speedgrader] Filter to Multiple Sections

Problem statement:

The new Gradebook update to allow filtering for multiple sections is wonderful, but it would be wonderful to have this feature in Speedgrader as well. At our school, we have some teachers who teach multiple sections of the same Canvas Course (but not all sections). This means that they have to change filter settings mid-marking or to check if a new submission is in their other class.

Proposed solution:

Update Speedgrader section filter settings to allow teachers to select multiple sections. It would make life easier for them to not have to jump between sections in Speedgrader when marking work. Note: There is another solution proposed to carry filters from the grade book over to Speedgrader, which would also be nice and solve the issue above, but simply allowing for the selection of multiple sections in Speedgrader would also alleviate the issue without the need to link the two.

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