[Speedgrader] Allow instructors to filter by section when using groups and individuals
When I do summative group assignments I allow students to decide if they want to work in groups or individually. I then create a group set for the project and add students who decide to work in a group to groups. The students who choose to work individually do not get added to groups (because I would have to create individual groups for each student). When I then use SpeedGrader to grade the students, they all show up (either as an individual or as the group I created), but I am no longer able to filter by section (period). This year I had 4 different periods/sections, so this was a long list of about 100 students. Additionally, when the project involves student video submissions that we then view in class, it's extra challenging to find the students in the long list of students/groups. It would be much faster and easier to find student submissions in a list of about 30 students vs 100.
I would like to be able to filter by section when doing these group assignments just like when doing non-group assignments. If there are cross-section groups, I would want the group to show up in both sections. This would allow me to more quickly find the students/groups during the class period to show/display the students' projects during our class period.