[SpeedGrader] media comments: error message if comment does not fully upload/process, or goes to wrong student

Problem statement:

I recorded several video comments. Videos were taking longer and longer to finish uploading, and there was no "loading" message on the recorder popup so I didn't know they weren't still done and I consequently closed the popup before the comment with my video was fully uploaded. After I closed it early, some videos still finished uploading correctly, but two videos uploaded to the wrong students, and one video did not upload at all. I almost posted grades like this, but I double-checked everyone's video and found out some were wrong! Fortunately I caught it before students saw it (and I stated names at the beginning of the recording so it was easy for me to check), otherwise these errors would have jeopardized the relationship of trust and information privacy with my students. After reaching out to support they were able to replicate the behavior, but there was no solution. The processing speed can vary by several factors that would be beyond users control. Sometimes Canvas's systems can get a little backed up and take longer than expected. It's recommended to keep the popup open until the video has 100% loaded and can be played back, but there's no way to know something went wrong unless you check every video after it's uploaded.

Proposed solution:

I recommend implementing a feature where Canvas sends a notification to users when there are errors in the uploading. For example, if uploading was interrupted, or the video uploaded to a different student than the one they were on when they closed the popup, an error notification would be sent to the user who attempted to upload the video.

User role(s):
