Search trigger with just two characters

The search trigger across Canvas should work with just two characters and not require three. Some names (like Xi) only have two characters, and this would make the people search more efficient if just two characters were required to activate the search trigger. A two-character trigger would also help when searching courses, whether the term designator has two characters or of the course names include the instructor's name.


 @e_elliott  Thank You for inspiring this idea with your idea" modifiedtitle="true" t..., and stefaniesanders Thank You for the encouragement.

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For more information, please read through the  target="_self" target="_self">Canvas Deploy Notes (2020-09-09).

Community Coach
Community Coach

This issue was just sent to me and my suggestion was to search for the instructors first name and the two character last name. (Made up example:  Abe Lo ).   This makes me ponder how many people have two names that contain just two characters each.

I also wonder why three characters had been selected.  Perhaps there would be too many variations with just the two characters?   For example, when I search for just 'erne', which is part of my last name without the beginning and last letter, I receive results that contain that part of my name.  Now if I search for 'ern', as expected the results expand greatly.  Now I need to search through the search results.  

Community Coach
Community Coach

ps.  it also seems that entering a space and then the two character last name provides a trigger for results to show. 

But now this has me wanting to see the results by sortable name with last name first.  (I know, picky, picky).

Community Novice

Actually, 2-character words are very common in Chinese and Japanese. For example, the Chinese version for the phrase "Convolutional Neural Network" is "卷积神经网络", which can be separated into 3 words of 2 characters each, "卷积", "神经" and "网络". Also, most Chinese people's family names contain only one character, and their given names contain at most 2 characters. Now I'm wondering where is the source code to modify for the open source version of Canvas.

Community Coach
Community Coach

I'll wager a coral reef in the South China Sea that changing the code to search for just two characters will result in unsatisfactory results.  My hunch is the database will have less than optimal performance and the results page will be clouded with false hits, depending on the number of users.  So I don't think I could argue we would attain a positive return on investment for the hours spent.

But if the People search interface were to have a 'Starts with' condition option instead of only defaulting to 'contains'....

Or simply begin the search with a space and then the first two characters of the last name.

Community Novice

Some course names could contain only 2 characters, too, for example, "英语" (English) and "数学" (Mathematics).

Community Champion

Hi  @ProfessorBeyrer  

You can type the two characters then a space to get a search result.


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: On Beta
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Comments from Instructure

The Search field supports a minimum of two characters. This change enables courses and users to be searched by only two characters in an account, which accommodates more course and user names that may contain only two characters. Previously the search field required three characters.

For more information, please read through the Canvas Deploy Notes (2020-09-09).

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Complete
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Thanks for your contributions to the conversation. Your investment in this idea helped refine a feature that is now part of Canvas!