[SIS] Add Pronunciation to SIS Import Users file

Problem statement:

In the 18 June 2024 deploy, admins could enable users to add a name pronunciation to their Canvas profile. Some schools may already have their users entering their pronunciation values in a central school directory so that the data can then be shared with external platforms. It seems likely schools prefer users entering this data in their central directory and the data is shared outwards vs making users go to each external platform and re-enter data. Currently the only way to programmatically enter/share this central directory pronunciation information into users Canvas profiles is via API. If a school does not have the resources to do via API, doing via admin SIS import seems as reasonable manual alternative. However, the current SIS Import Users file does not have a column for pronunciation data. For comparison, the Users file does have a Pronouns column so seeking the equivalent of a new column.





Proposed solution:

Add a new 'pronunciation' column to the SIS Users file to allow admins to bulk add pronunciation data to users' profiles as alternative/backup option to doing via API.

User role(s):
