[Rubrics] Hidden Rubrics

Teachers need a toggle to hide rubrics till the teacher release it, a date, or when all students have submitted. I want to be to make an assignment where students complete it one day, and then the next day they are automatically assigned peer reviews and grade each other using the rubric.  Showing the rubric before hand is stupid and is odd that there is no option.  I do not want to have to go in every day and add a rubric.  I want to set it for each unit and just have to come in and check stats and add comments to responses.  

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Canvas - please add this functionality soon. I hated Blackboard, but this is yet another feature they had and now I am consistently frustrated that Canvas does not provide enough options for instructors.

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I feel very lucky that my university has purchased a GradeScope subscription. 

I don't think Canvas will EVER give us the simple option of hiding the rubrics so we can privately grade papers and reveal the results only when we have completed all of the grading.

GradeScope works really well, so if you have the option, use it!

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Problem statement:

Is there a way to hide the rubric from students like a competitor LMS? The motivation behind the question is an institution may need to assess student submissions, but the rubric for the assessment does not need to be visible. Second, please consider including the students' submissions as part of the Outcomes Report.

Proposed solution:

My solution is create an option to hide the rubric for institutional assessment purposes. Second, create an option to include the students' submissions as part of the Outcomes Report.

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Problem statement:

While I do give out the rubrics before I assign work, I find that I can't do two things that I would make things easier for me: Use a rubric that also has an embedded answer key and hide this detailed rubric from my students. Sometimes we are teaching their knowledge of a writing form, think like five paragraph essay or sonnet) and in order to maintain consistency across sections while grading we need to embed information about the points we are looking for and how much each is worth. Obviously, we don't want the students to see the answer, but we do want to grade it point by point. In the past, I've waited until after the final submission date to grade, but as my life gets more busy, I'd appreciate the flexibility to hide the detailed rubric with the answer key from my students while I grade (similar to being able to not publish the grades until after the due date.)

Proposed solution:

Make it so that we can hide the rubric we are using to grade from, or create an option to attach a rubric with answer key. I'm not interested in being told how we are using rubrics "incorrectly". Students know what we expect of them, we need a tool to allow us to be consistent across graders AND not let students see the answer keys.

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Problem statement:

We use rubrics to grade several assignments that are assessments. They are secure assignments but they take place on different days. Instructors want to have the chance to grade one set of students right after the assessment takes place, but cannot, because the rubric will be seen. The rubric is a give-away to what is being assessed. We'd like an option (a check box) to decide if the rubric will be seen by the students prior to the assignment being submitted or only once the assignment has been graded and the grades released to the student. It is true, that best practices says to give the students the rubric ahead of time, but this is best practice for a take home assignment. These are like tests. And a well designed rubric is specific, not general. So we'd like the best of both schools of thought so that instructors and graders can make decisions that work best for their assignment, their students, and for their own grading practices.

Proposed solution:

We'd like an option (a check box) to decide if the rubric will be seen by the students prior to the assignment being submitted or only once the assignment has been graded and the grades released to the student. Perhaps this is a check box or perhaps it's a "publish" option for the rubric specifically. But we want the rubric to be used by the teacher/grader/TA/TA Lead for that assignment.

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Problem statement:

Currently, Canvas does not provide an option for instructors to fully hide rubrics associated with assignments from students. Instructors have expressed concern that when a rubric is not being used as part of the grade, its visibility can confuse students. In these situations, students may focus on irrelevant criteria, leading them to include unnecessary content in their assignment submissions. For example, an instructor may include a rubric to assess outcomes but not rely on it for grading, yet students still see it and might feel compelled to address every criterion, even though it doesn’t impact their grade.

Proposed solution:

I propose that Canvas introduces a feature allowing instructors to fully hide rubrics from students. This would help prevent confusion and ensure that students focus on the essential aspects of the assignment. Instructors would have the option to enable or disable the visibility of these elements based on whether they are being used for grading. This would improve the clarity of assignments and allow instructors to provide clearer, more relevant guidance to students without the distraction of unnecessary grading criteria. Why: This solution would enhance the student experience by eliminating confusion and ensuring that students’ efforts are directed at the most important aspects of the assignment. It would also give instructors more flexibility in how they use rubrics without negatively impacting student understanding or submission quality.

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