[Rubrics] Auto save when completing rubric
Problem statement:
I am confused. There was a long period of discussion around the problems with rubrics not auto-saving, with a fix supposedly deployed, but it still doesn't work for me. The original idea was: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Ideas/Auto-Save-Rubrics-or-Give-Save-Warning/idc-p/557316 Since this was marked as completed, I've seen no improvement in this area. When I am marking a long report, everything will appear to be going fine but when I ultimately click "Save" on the rubric to lock in my comments and marks, I simply lose them all. The rubric panel closes as if it has worked, but no grade appears and when I reopen the rubric panel it is completely empty.
Proposed solution:
Manually saving work is so 1990s. It should just save as you go.
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