[Rubrics] Allow editing of rubrics when adding them to external tool assignments.

Problem statement:

When you add a rubric to an external tool submission there is no way to edit or delete it after it is added. The pencil (edit) icon, magnifying glass, and trash can (delete) icon are present in the top right corner but they do not function. (Canvas support says this is "expected behavior".)

Proposed solution:

The buttons are already there in the interface so please just make them function.

User role(s):


Status changed to: Added to Theme
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Will Not Consider

Hi @nwilson7  -

The Product Team returned to this idea recently and tested this. Now, it seems to be working as expected and the same as these buttons do for any other non-external tool assignment. If you still run into issues when you try adding a rubric to an external tool, please submit a support case. Our agents will be able to take a closer look.

Community Champion

@KristinL I think this was closed a little pre-maturely.  I am told the engineers are aware that this is still an issue (reached out to support the day after this was closed out as I was still having the same issue, ticket: 10120592).  I am still able to replicate it and we have even had some of our external vendors share with us work-arounds because they are aware of the issue as well.  

If you add a rubric to a previously created (no idea how long you have to wait for it to be "previously created") external tool assignment, everything seems to work.  I am guessing this is what the product team tested.  If you try and add the rubric as part of the workflow of creating an external tool assignment, you get the same issues I presented in this feature request. 

I am not sure if it has been changed from "expected behavior" to a "bug" between when I created the feature request and when you marked it as Will not Consider but the end result is the same...still can't add rubrics correctly to external tool assignments.  I consider buttons being there and not functioning a bug but was instructed to create the request.
